April 9

The Long Dark

So I got The Long Dark about 8-9 months ago it’s still in early stages of development but since I got it there have been many additions to the game such as a new region of the map, new animals, etc. If you like survival games then I would definitely recommend this game to you. It takes place in the canadian  wilderness after a storm has made your plane crash you must, scavenge for supplies such as food, water, traps, weapons, etc. in nearby by houses, shacks, cars, and a bunch of other places. You can also hunt for rabbit and deer, you can’t live off caned food forever, but you also must defend your self from wolves and the cold. there are three different regions, Mystery Lake, Coastal Highway, and Pleasant Valley the description on the steam page says this, The Long Dark is a thoughtful, exploration-survival experience that challenges solo players to think for themselves as they explore an expansive frozen wilderness in the aftermath of a geomagnetic disaster. There are no zombies — only you, the cold, and all the threats Mother Nature can muster. This game is for pc only but hopefully it will be coming to console so every one can experience the game, you can get this game on steam for 19.99 USD. If you have any recommendations on game I should review leave them in the comments.

March 12

Game Informer Gallery

I believe that in game informers March edition magazine that in the gallery (page 8) The picture drawn by Aaron Johnson which consists of 100 different characters from video games (which got fourth) should have gotten first instead of the picture drawn by Pedro Fresse which is a picture of the main character in Infamous Second Son. So what do you think? If you disagree or agree leave it the comments below, and I hope everyone has a good day.

February 6

Exo Zombies COD:AW

I was really excited about exo zombies, but I thought it would be alot worse than it actually is, it’s quite good actually. It keeps to the original zombies feel while introducing some new elements, such as the exo suit, the zombies with exo suits, and more zombies like the zombies that disable your exo. I personally like the original zombies more but you should still get exo zombies.